SDLP Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan
UK replacement funding has not yet been allocated, putting 1,700 jobs at risk.
Mr Durkan had been lobbying the relevant ministers, including the Finance Minister in recent years urging an update on an alternative funding stream to ensure these organisations could continue to support vulnerable people.
Said the Foyle MLA: “It’s unforgivable that three days before EU funding comes to an end, organisations within the Community and Voluntary Sector have still not received any clarity around replacement funding.
“Government both here and in the UK knew this cliff-edge was coming, they had four years to prepare.
“Sadly, this was an inevitable outcome of Brexit and how those who campaigned for Brexit, whether they be in the DUP, TUV or People Before Profit, did not recognise that is shocking.
“While their political posturing jeopardised the future of these groups and the life-changing and life-saving work they do, the focus must now be on how we save them.
“ESF funding has been utterly transformational for our communities and much of the progress and good work we’ve witnessed in recent decades is directly attributable to these grassroot services.
“Without EU funds, their work to improve lives across the North would not have been possible- supporting some of the most vulnerable people within our communities, developing social inclusion initiatives, assisting young people entering employment and improving mental wellbeing.
“I could wax lyrical about the good work achieved by these services but those in power are well aware of their importance, which is why it’s mindboggling that the Tory government now treat them with disdain.
“The acute need for such projects has never been more evident. It is utterly disgraceful that these organisations have waited four years with the sword of Damocles of funding uncertainty hanging over their heads.
“1,700 jobs are at risk – that represents 1,700 households already struggling amid rising costs, now at risk of losing employment and being unable to provide for their families.
“The threat to these services in conjunction with the loss of community transport paints a devastating picture for so many vulnerable cohorts within our communities.
“The failure to provide clarity on substitute funding isn’t just negligence but a complete dereliction of duty from the UK government and indeed the DUP who continue to hold people here to ransom.
“To stand idly by when so much is at risk is abhorrent.
“Our MPs continue to push at Westminster for adequate replacement fund and, locally, we are pushing for Departments to be resourced and ready with not just a financial safety net but a strategy to give these vital organisations security going forward,” added Mr Durkan.