The Department of Health confirmed a new contractor would take over the centre from the beginning of June.
Said Cllr Tierney: “News that the Department of Health has found a new contractor for Racecourse Medical Centre will be a massive relief to people in the Shantallow area and everyone who relies on the practice for their healthcare.
“When concerns around the future of the practice first emerged people here were genuinely fearful that they would lose a service they have relied on for years and I’m delighted that won’t be the case.
“I’d like to pay tribute to the people in this area who made their feelings perfectly clear about how much the medical centre means to them, campaigning hard to protect these services.
“I’ve no doubt that their efforts helped to save this practice and I’d also like to thank the department for their efforts in sourcing the new contractor Dr Ravinder Kumar, who I’m sure will receive a warm welcome from people in Shantallow.
“Nearly 5,000 people depend on this practice to provide them with day to day healthcare and for many moving somewhere else would have been unthinkable.
“People here have built up relationships with the doctors, nurses and other staff at Racecourse Medical Centre and the thought of losing that community spirit was difficult for patients.
“It’s important that a time when our health service is under so much pressure that we don’t lose the services we do have and it’s a huge boost that this practice will continue its good work in the community to benefit people here.”