SDLP Foyleside Councillor Lilian Seenoi-Barr
Despite continued correspondence with housing association Clanmil, officers have failed to take necessary steps to resolve the problem.
SDLP Foyleside candidate Lilian Barr said: “The lackadaisical approach to dealing with these very serious problems is totally unacceptable.
“I’ve met with several residents, many of whom have young children, and are understandably very distressed about the potential harmful effects of damp in their homes.
“Sadly, this year we’ve seen that the consequences of not tackling persistent damp and mould can be devastating.
“The tragic death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak in England should’ve served as a watershed moment for all housing associations and policy makers.”
She added: “Water ingress within these properties and issues with external paint flaking are widespread.
“One lady even highlighted problems with water dripping down the walls inside her home during periods of heavy rainfall.
“No one should be forced to contend with such major maintenance problems yet despite numerous complaints from tenants and myself, Clanmil have failed to take the necessary action to resolve these problems.
“It’s clear these homes have serious issues that require proper assessment and can’t be hidden by painting.
“Tenants cannot continue living in these homes in their current state, where they’re afraid to sleep in their rooms at night, concerned about the potential health risk posed by the damp.
“Clanmil has failed in their duty of care and have all but ignored residents’ valid worries.
“It’s not good enough.”
SDLP Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan said: “The situation has been distressing and frustrating for all involved. Given the scale and seriousness of this problem, I’m dismayed at Clanmil’s failure to act.
“Given soaring fuel costs and the continued cost of living emergency, the reality is that existing issues with damp are likely to deepen in the time ahead as households struggle to heat their homes.
“Clanmil need to get a grip on this issue which may have already put tenant’s health at risk as well as the structural integrity of these properties.
“Action is needed now and going forward the SDLP will push for the introduction of legislation that will ensure all tenants, whether in social or private rented accommodation, are protected.”