Ard Grange
A number of residents have raised issues with the lack of routine maintenance, particularly the large green space in the centre of the estate.
Said Moor candidate Dermott Henderson: “Following a visit to the area earlier this week, it quickly became apparent there were widespread maintenance issues.
“A significant number of residents expressed concerns that the green space and its environs had not been cut.
“In addition, many parents were worried that a fallen tree with protective caging in the heart of the green area posed a safety risk to their children who regularly play on the space.
“It’s my understanding that the tree has lay in this state for quite some time. I appreciate there has been some confusion around ownership and which organisation has responsibility for these spaces, which could account for the delay in addressing the matter.
“That said I’m pleased the Management Company has agreed to carry out maintenance and remove the fallen tree at the beginning of next week.”
Said Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan: “Residents highlighted their dissatisfaction with the general unkempt and unsightly appearance of both the green areas and rubbish in the surrounding streets.
“I’ve asked Council’s cleansing team to complete a sweep of the area and reported street lighting outages for repair throughout the estate.
“We’ve also been chasing the adoption of Ard Grange Close.
“This process has been fraught with difficulty and has prevented the repair of defects in the street.
“Following correspondence with DfI Roads, I understand that enforcement on the site was instigated last month and hope they will soon be in a position to complete the adoption process and carry out necessary remedial works.
“We will endeavour to keep residents updated on any progress.”