SDLP Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan
The pitch has been closed for over six weeks to facilitate specialist improvements.
Said the Foyle MLA: “The Foyle Cup 2023 launched to great fanfare last week and I’d hoped that the pitch at Ballymagroarty would have been opened for use by now.
“Following communication with Council, it’s my understanding that there has been difficulty securing a contractor to complete the necessary works.
“Yet the community are approaching its second month without access to the pitch in an area where there is already a lack of facilities.
“The delay in carrying out this repair work is having a massive impact on the Ballymagroarty community.
“There are multitude of issues here not least the impact on many local sports clubs who have had to rearrange, and in some instances cancel training as a result of the continued pitch closure.
“There is the additional problem of community groups losing income generated from pitch rental which is used to pay salaries.
“The prolonged period of closure could mean that teams and groups who have relocated in the interim may not return.
“In the interests of future viability of the facility and for the wellbeing of young people in the area, the Council cannot afford further delay.
“These repairs must be carried out immediately,” added Mr Durkan.