Scottish writer Kris Haddow
The ‘Stert Scrievin’ (Start Writing) workshops led by Scottish writer and performer Kris Haddow will encourage participants to incorporate features of local dialect into their creative writing projects.
The free-to-attend workshops will incorporate storytelling exercises and flash fiction prompts to encourage participants to write freely in their own dialect, throwing out all the sticky rules of English grammar and spelling that can cause writer’s block.
By the end of the workshop, it’s hoped that participants will be scrievin their ane toty tales yaisin their ane wurds!
Two workshops will be offered.
Participants can attend a morning (11:00-1:00pm) or afternoon (2:00-4:00) session.
Just bring along a notepad and pen.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Booking is essential. Please register at [email protected]