SDLP Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan
In 2022, in the absence of an Executive, Mr Durkan commissioned a comparative research paper from the Assembly Research and Information Service (RaISe) into non-surgical cosmetic procedures in Northern Ireland and Great Britain.
Said the Foyle MLA: “Cosmetic surgery is a lucrative market. The industry in the UK is worth an estimated £3.6billion, so it’s no wonder so many practitioners are diversifying into this field.
“The ‘zoom boom’ over the course of the pandemic which saw people looking at their own reflection in countless work calls, coupled with the social media and use of online filters – has seen the demand for Botox and filler skyrocket.
“People are pitting themselves up against impossible standards of perfection. Of course, this is nothing new but the lack of regulation in terms of licensing and advertising is deeply concerning.
“People don’t need to look too far to see how widespread the issue of unregulated non-surgical cosmetic procedures problems is.
“Social media is filled to the brim with influencers promoting the latest on the market trends.
“I saw a post earlier in the week where someone was ‘trying out’ a move into NSCPs and were offering a free Botox treatment to anyone willing to act as a guinea pig.
“It’s not my intention to impact the many practitioners and businesses out there who pride themselves on their high standards but rather this is about the system they’re working in.
“Registered healthcare professionals performing NSCPs are required to meet the competency standards set by regulatory bodies such as the General Medical Council, the major problem here is that there is no such requirement for non-medical practitioners.
“This creates a Wild West scenario where essentially anyone can practice cosmetic procedures without a proper screening process for customers.
“If you’ve got the cash you can access the treatment with the potential of leaving under 18s or those with a history with mental illnesses like body dysmorphia, completely unprotected under the current structure and unaware of the significant, possibly life altering complications.
“It’s clear that government has not kept pace with this booming industry but worryingly, the North will fall even further behind our counterparts in Great Britain given that the Health Minister has ‘no active plans’ to bring forward legislation.
“We urgently need regulation, oversight and a crackdown on online advertising. I’ve called on Minister Swann to issue a public consultation on a mandatory licensing scheme for NSCPs.
“This industry isn’t going anywhere, it’s here to stay – the Executive shouldn’t wait until disaster strikes before acting to make it safer for everyone involved.”