Adrian Harkin
Credit ©Lorcan Doherty
Adrian Harkin, who was born in Derry and the former owner of Inish Adventures, passed away from motor neurone disease in July.
Adrian, 54, faced his illness head on.
He inspired the Summit 2 Sea charity challenge – where teams across the country climbed the highest peaks in every county on the island of Ireland, while at the same time a relay of rowers travelled around Ireland.
Adrian himself took on the final leg of the row in April.
The challenge raised more than €70,000 which went directly to motor neurone disease research.
The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association will again benefit from the Redcastle New Year’s swim in memory of Adrian.
Adrian was originally from Derry but made his home in Moville where he built his successful business and inspired many people to enjoy the water safely.
Tomorrow’s New Year’s dip kicks off at 1pm in Redcastle.
Don’t forget to bundle up! Bring your hats and warm clothes for after the swim, and feel free to get creative with fancy dress for a chance to win a prize.
Everyone is welcome to warm up afterwards with hot chocolate and hot whiskey served at the shore.
You’ll also find yummy hot soup kindly donated from the hotel, along with other heartwarming food.
Music and a raffle will take place afterwards at McGowan’s.