Imogen Cleary-Vong
Imogen Cleary-Vong (15) passed away in hospital after being reported missing in the water of Moyola River in Castledawson at around 5am on Sunday morning.
Pupils and staff from her school, St Mary’s Magherafelt, and her primary school at New Row in Castledawson were among mourners at St Patrick’s Church, Castledawson for her Requiem Mass.
Mourners heard Pauline Cleary-Vong pay tribute to her daughter, who she described as “a kind, caring and compassionate daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, family member and friend.”
She added: “So many friends in New Row, especially the boys… could say she was a bit of a tomboy.
“When her journey started at St Mary’s she had a few close and select friends. Imogen was quiet and shy, which was down to her Asperger’s syndrome. At the same time, this made her unique. This affected her day-to-day life and just made it that little bit harder.
“On her 14th birthday, she got her beloved cat Stormy. She paid £120 for him and if he was missing she liked to remind us of that.”
Her mother said Imogen had started learning piano to be able to play along with her music-loving brother.
“When anyone came into the house, Cody would have them tortured with musical instruments with the hope that they knew how to play,” she continued.
“Imogen asked for a piano for Christmas and started taking lessons just to fulfil this role for Cody.
“Every Saturday, Imogen worked at the hairdressers, except there was never much work done as she was, in fact, brushing her own hair and applying lip-gloss and mascara.
“I know for a fact she is rolling her eyes right now saying, mummy, stop embarrassing me please.
“We invite you to hold these memories dear to your heart, to give thanks to the Lord for the gift he has given us through her life.”
Dylan Cleary-Vong said his sister had always cared and worried about the smallest things, breaking down in tears as he paid his own tribute.
Conducting funeral mass, Rev Juan Jesús González Borrallo told mourners Imogen had always been happiest in the art department at school.
“She was known for being a wonderful, unique and talented person with a lovely sense of humour.
“A caring, compassionate and supportive soul towards all others, especially towards her family and friends Imogen was known for being very determined in the quality of her work, especially at school.
“There was nowhere in her school she was more happy than in the art department. She has a passion for animals, and her sketches and pieces will be treasured at home and in her school.
“An ‘A’ in the subject would have been achieved with ease. And though she had a deep love for art, it cannot be said she had the same love for deadlines, as all good artists like her do.
“Essentials in a schoolbag before going to study for the day are pens, pencils, calculator and ruler, but these were not Imogen’s.
“The first and most important items Imogen packed for school every day were her hairbrush and lip-gloss. It was common for her teacher to see her taking a moment to brush her hair. She just needed a little eye contact and with a cheeky but wonderful smile would place her hairbrush back in her bag, at least for a little while.”
A family notice described Imogen Cleary-Vong the beloved daughter of Michael and Pauline, loving sister of Dylan and Cody.