SDLP East Derry MLA Cara Hunter
The Minister was responding to a question from Ms Hunter in the Assembly this week.
She asked him how he would mark his performance around Irish language education since taking up the role.
Said East Derry MLA: “I welcome the engagement the Minister has had with the Irish language sector since taking up this role and his visit to an Irish language school where he spoke a few words of Irish himself was a significant gesture.
“However, I would struggle to agree with the Minister when it comes to his overall performance around the Irish language education.
“The Irish language education sector and our schools still face significant challenges and while I would not expect the Minister to solve them overnight, there is a clear frustration at the lack of progress since the Assembly’s return.
“We have schools operating out of mobile classrooms and there is a growing sense of frustration that many schools are unable to meet the demand for places.
Had the Minister or his Permanent Secretary attended Conradh na Gaeilge’s Stormont event last week on the 2008 Irish Medium Education Review they would have learned that not one of the recommendations has been fully implemented.
“We have also seen funding cuts to Foras na Gaelige, a struggle to retain teachers and a failure to provide tailored Irish language education whether in the form of special educational needs support or when sitting exams.
“The Minister’s announced Minister Advisory Panel on education doesn’t have Irish language representation and his decision to meet with the Loyalist Communities Council to discuss an Irish language school in east Belfast also significantly dented people’s confidence.
“To address the wide range of issues facing our Irish medium sector and to ensure that every family who wants their child to avail of an Irish medium education can do so the Minister needs to do more than pay lip service, he needs to implement policies to tackle the current problems and give the sector the space it needs to flourish.
“I would struggle to give the Minister a grade for his performance so far, but his report card reads must do better.”