Derry City and Strabane District Council are seeking nominations from the public for the 2025 edition of the Derry Strabane Sports Awards.
The annual celebration of amateur sport across the City and District will take place in the Guildhall on Thursday June 5th.
The event is hosted by Derry City and Strabane District Council, in partnership with the District Sports Forum and aims to publicly recognise the individuals, teams and clubs that contributed to local sport over the last 12 months.
Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Lilian Seenoi-Barr, said the awards were an ideal way to celebrate and recognise the dedication of athletes, coaches and administrators across the Council area.
“The Derry Strabane Sports Awards are a wonderful way to acknowledge and reward the hard work and achievements of our local sports fraternity over the last year,” she said.
“During my term as Mayor, I have experienced first-hand the key role sport plays in community life in this Council area, offering people a platform to showcase their talent and reap the health and wellbeing benefits of physical activity.
“It has been another successful year for sport with local clubs and individuals shining at all levels and it is important that we celebrate and recognise the work that goes into achieving that.”
Nominations are accepted from organisations, local sports clubs, schools, youth clubs and individuals.
Applicants and nominees should note that only the information included on this nomination form will go forward for assessment by the awards panel and that all mandatory fields should be completed before the form is submitted for the application to be considered.
To be an eligible candidate, sports people must be a resident of the Council area and all nominees must be involved in an amateur capacity in a sport that is recognised by Sport Northern Ireland and /or the Irish Sports Council.
The nominations will be assessed on the basis of the individual or team’s contribution to enhancing community and sporting life based on a set criteria.
The nominator, the nominee, a team representative and a guest will receive an invitation to the awards ceremony.
Nominations must be submitted online by Monday, February 24, 2025 at 4 pm.
For more information on each category and to make a nomination visit:
The categories for the 2025 Sports Awards are: Sports Star of the Year, Young Male Sports Star of the Year, Young Female Sports Star of the Year, Sports Star of the Year with a Disability, Club of the Year, Team of the Year, Youth Team of the Year, Performance Coach of the Year, Community Coach of the Year, Special Recognition Award and Hall of Fame.
If you have any questions or queries about the awards email [email protected].