SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood has said that if the DUP and Sinn Féin cannot find a way to uphold their…
Sinn Fein
Logue: Electoral Office hindering voter registration
SINN Féin Councillor Patricia Logue has accused the Electoral Office of hindering rather than facilitating the registration of voters. Cllr…
Sinn Féin wants Westminster to enact Irish language law
SINN Féin has told the UK government it should legislate for the Irish language through Westminster to resolve a Stormont…
Eastwood: Stormont may not return if it collapses this time
DEVOLUTION may never return to the North of Ireland if powersharing collapses again, the SDLP has warned. Party leader Colum…
Anderson: Further progresss made towards workers’ rights
SINN Féin’s Martina Anderson has said further progress has been made towards workers’ rights as her Work – Life Balance…
ARLENE Foster has urged political parties in the North of Ireland to stick to a language and cultural deal they…
Duffy concerned after packages of drugs found
SINN Féin Councillor Sandra Duffy has called on parents in the greater Shantallow and Galliagh areas to warn their children…
DUP leader Edwin Poots has said any failure by Sinn Fein to nominate a Deputy First Minister could risk peace…
Disappointment over delay in Derry window replacement scheme
SINN Féin’s Foyleside representative Conor Heaney has expressed disappointment that there have been further delays to the Housing Executives window…
Mullan hails plans to modernise pub opening times
SINN Féin’s Karen Mullan has welcomed plans by Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey to modernise pub opening hours. The plans include…