People Before Profit Cllr Shaun Harkin has said that 0 per cent offer to Translink workers is a massive pay…
Durkan: Importance of public transport staff must be recognised
SDLP Infrastructure Spokesperson Mark H Durkan has said the important role paid by public transport staff must be recognised with…
Durkan welcomes Christmas night-bus provision
SDLP MLA Mark H Durkan has been engaging with Translink to secure a return of evening bus services over the…
Translink announces extra bus services to Derry over Halloween
Translink has announced it will be providing additional bus services to Derry to help more people enjoy the city’s famous…
Durkan: Public paying price for failure to invest in public transport
SDLP Infrastructure Spokesperson Mark H Durkan has said a failure to invest in the public transport network is leading to…
Harkin: Translink workers shouldn’t accept poverty pay
Derry People Before Profit’s Shaun Harkin has said that Translink worker should not accept poverty pay. Said the Foyleside councillor:…
SDLP welcomes express 212 Derry to Belfast bus services
The SDLP has welcomed new express ‘X212’ coach services from Derry to Belfast which will allow passengers to enjoy quicker…
Tierney calls for end to attacks on Slievemore bus service
SDLP Derry City and Strabane District Council Group Leader councillor Brian Tierney has called for an end to attacks on…
Norris welcomes extension of late-night bus to Eglinton
SDLP Faughan councillor Declan Norris has welcomed the extension of the late night Translink bus service to Eglinton at the…
Oakleaf Lions volunteers are Translink Ulster GAA Young Volunteer winners
Three young volunteers from the Oakleaf Lions GAA For ALL group in Co Derry have been jointly awarded the Translink…